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Home Improvement

5 reasons why new-build housing is in vogue

Personalisation. One of the main benefits offered by new construction is the possibility of personalising the home off plan, and even choosing the materials to be used.

Location. New-build homes are located in less densely populated and quieter enclaves, but with all kinds of services nearby, such as schools, hospitals and shopping centres.

Amenities. New-build homes have many facilities for the home, such as gardens, children’s areas, sports facilities and swimming pools.

Confinement. The measures of distance and the recommendations to stay at home as long as possible, have made the expectations and what a home should have stricter, with new homes being the most demanded by users. Visit: alquiler pisos nuevos barcelona

Payment. New-build homes offer the possibility of splitting the payment for the property during the construction period or even more advantageous financing conditions.



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